Koho Mori-Newton
"The traditional philosophical distinction between sensation and reflection has been one of the most influential conceptual dichotomies in the art world, leading many to attempt a neat categorization, with the purely sensory experience as given by the work of art on one side and any reflective cognizing about the work o the other. Philosophy itself has shown that this rigid dichotomy cannot withstand scrutiny; the investigation of genuine cases of perception has demonstrated that the relations between sensation and cognition are far more complex, and far more interesting than any simple bifurcated conception could accommodate. But art, as we know, also performs philosophical services and the work of Koho Mori-Newton in this sense displays, in a distinct and long-developed style, many of the complex and fascinating intricacies of the relations between sensory experience and aesthetic cognition."
Garry L. Hagberg, an excerpt from the catalog Koho Mori-Newton 2000